Clark Gascoigne

Clark Gascoigne is the Senior Policy Advisor of the FACT Coalition.

Report Shows House Tax Plan Fails to Curb Tax Avoidance

Statement by the FACT Coalition on ITEP Study
WASHINGTON, D.C. – A new report published Wednesday by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) explains—among other things—how the House tax plan fails to curtail tax avoidance, contrary to the conventional wisdom in Washington.

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Letter to House Lawmakers Opposing H.J.Res.54

The FACT Coalition sent a letter to House lawmakers Friday urging them to oppose H.J.Res.54, a controversial measure which would repeal an important safeguard against offshore tax haven abuse—specifically, the practice of earnings stripping.

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Lawmakers Should Oppose Delaney’s Two Tax Giveaways

“Partnership to Build America Act” and the “Infrastructure 2.0 Act” Would Exacerbate Offshore Tax Haven Abuse
The FACT Coalition sent two letters up to House lawmakers this week opposing a couple of egregious tax giveaways that are expected to be re-introduced by Rep. John Delaney (D-MD) in the near future.

Titled the “Partnership to Build America Act” and the “Infrastructure 2.0 Act”, both measures seek to offer multinational tax avoiders a reward under the premise that the measures might raise some revenue for infrastructure funding.  The question is: at what cost?

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