Clark Gascoigne

Clark Gascoigne is the Senior Policy Advisor of the FACT Coalition.

FACT Urges Lawmakers to Embrace Global “BEPS” Effort to Curb Egregious Corporate Tax Dodging

OECD’s Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Package “Important First Step” Towards Curtailing Abusive Tax Avoidance, but More Must Be Done
WASHINGTON, DC – As two congressional committees held hearings today on global efforts to tackle abusive corporate tax dodging, the Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (FACT) Coalition urged U.S. lawmakers to embrace the efforts, which target a practice gouging American taxpayers of roughly $90 billion per year.

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Clark Gascoigne on HuffPost Live

FACT’s Clark Gascoigne on HuffPost Live: U.S. a Major Money Laundering Capital

FACT’s Clark Gascoigne Discusses the U.S. Ranking as the 3rd Biggest Secrecy Jurisdiction in the Latest Financial Secrecy Index
Clark Gascoigne, the Deputy Director of the FACT Coalition, appeared on Mind Your Business with Alyona Minkovski, a weekly business program on HuffPost Live, on Friday, November 13, 2015.  He discussed how the United States facilitates all sorts of financial crime with widespread financial opacity.

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Main Street

FACT Praises Introduction of Bills to Curb Abusive Tax Dodging by Multinationals

Putting America First Corporate Tax Act Would End Loophole Enabling Largest Companies to Indefinitely “Defer” Paying Taxes on Offshore Profits
Corporate Fair Share Tax Act Would Deter Multinationals from Renouncing American Citizenship to Avoid Paying Taxes
WASHINGTON, DC – The FACT (Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency) Coalition welcomed the introduction of two pieces of legislation by Representative Mark Pocan (D-WI) to close corporate tax loopholes costing U.S. taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars.

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FACT Coalition Urges Congress to Reject Permanent Extension of “Egregious” Tax Loopholes

House Ways and Means Committee Set to Consider Enshrining “CFC Look-Through Rule” and “Active Financing Exemption” Thursday
Unpaid-for Corporate Giveaways to Cost American Taxpayers $100 Billion
WASHINGTON, DC – The Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (FACT) Coalition called on Members of Congress today to strongly reject pending legislation that would cost American taxpayers $100 billion over the next decade by enshrining egregious tax loopholes which reward multinational companies for artificially shifting profits overseas.

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