31 Civil Society Organizations Send Letter to FinCEN in Support of Strong Beneficial Ownership Implementation
31 Civil Society Organizations Send Letter to FinCEN in Support of Strong Beneficial Ownership Implementation
31 Civil Society Organizations Send Letter to FinCEN in Support of Strong Beneficial Ownership Implementation
U.S. international tax reform may soon be a reality as lawmakers in Congress advance new draft legislation.
FACT’s Executive Director Ian Gary to join Ali-Reza Vahabzadeh of the American Sustainable Business Council and lawmakers from Congress in discussing the Disclosure of Tax Havens and Offshoring Act.
63 Investors with $2.9 trillion in Assets Under Management Send Letter to FASB in Support of Tax Transparency
FACT recently sent comments to the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) urging them to adopt country-by-country tax reporting as part of its public consultation on the Board’s priorities. FASB sets and oversees the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, the standard followed by most U.S. corporations in their financial reporting, and so could bring about widespread adoption of public country-by-country reporting as a way to ensure investors are fully able to assess reputational and regulatory risks in their portfolios.
The FACT Coalition, Global Financial Integrity, Action Center on Race and the Economy, Transparency International’s U.S. Office, and the California Reinvestment Coalition co-sponsored a panel to learn from experts about the scope of real estate money laundering and what the U.S. should do to fight it, and in doing so combat global corruption and create fairer housing markets here at home.