
Toward A Sustainable Economy: Transparency, Long-Termism, and the SEC

September 20, 2016 | 9:30am ET – 11:00am ET
Please join the Center for American Progress Action Fund, the AFL-CIO, Americans for Financial Reform, Ceres, the Financial Accountability & Corporate Transparency Coalition, the International Corporate Accountability Roundtable, the Patriotic Millionaires, Public Citizen, and US SIF: The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment for a discussion on transparency, long-termism, and the state of SEC corporate disclosures.

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2016 Bi-Partisan Tax and Transparency Fly-In Days

Following Panama Papers: Faith, Small Business, Law Enforcement, and Local Leaders Descend on Washington for Bi-Partisan Tax and Transparency Solutions
April 11–13, 2016
More than 70 faith leaders, small business owners, local leaders, and public interest advocates from 25 states will be on Capitol Hill this week to urge lawmakers to support tax and transparency legislation that benefits small businesses, taxpayers, and vulnerable communities.

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