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Fortune Magazine Op-Ed: It’s Time for the U.S. to Deal With Tax Evaders

America Is the World’s Newest Tax Haven
If I asked you to name the world’s biggest tax haven, you might come up with the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, or Luxembourg. Those of you following the recent series of so-called “corporate tax inversions” might guess Ireland.

You probably wouldn’t think of the United States, but the latest edition of Bloomberg Businessweek points its finger squarely at Uncle Sam—and not without reason.

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New York Times Letter: Real Estate Transparency

In a New York Times letter, FACT’s Clark Gascoigne writes that Treasury’s plan falls short of what’s needed to combat the financial system’s role as a money-laundering haven.
To the Editor:

Re “Property Sales Get U.S. Scrutiny” (front page, Jan. 14):

The Treasury Department’s plan to scrutinize the secret companies buying real estate in New York and Miami is a welcome first step toward cleaning up parts of the real estate market, but it falls far short of what’s truly needed to combat the United States financial system’s role as a major money-laundering haven.

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Civil Society Assails Multinational Tax Giveaway

“Tax Extenders” Deal Could Permanently Enshrine Outrageous Tax Dodging Loophole in Tax Code, Extend Another One for Five Years
Congressional Negotiators Ignore a Hundred Thousand Letters from Constituents Calling for an End to Egregious Offshore Tax Loopholes
WASHINGTON, DC – Civil society groups assailed a backroom congressional tax deal released early this morning as an egregious giveaway to multinational tax dodgers at the expense of U.S. taxpayers.  The so called “tax extenders” deal could permanently enshrine in the tax code an offshore loophole known as the “Active Financing Exception”, which is abused by multinational companies to artificially shift profits overseas and dodge taxes at the expense of the American public.  The deal also extends for five years another offshore loophole, known as the “CFC Look-Through Rule”, which also allows corporations to use accounting tricks to avoid paying taxes.

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FACT Welcomes Bill to Curb Money Laundering and Terror Financing

“Holding Individuals Accountable and Deterring Money Laundering Act” Will Help Return Rule of Law to U.S. Financial System; Bring America in Line with International Standards
WASHINGTON, DC – The FACT (Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency) Coalition welcomed the introduction of legislation to improve anti-money laundering and counter-terror finance safeguards while heightening the accountability of financial institutions.  Sponsored by Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA), the Holding Individuals Accountable and Deterring Money Laundering Act [H.R. 4242] targets the individuals (or enablers) at financial institutions responsible for accepting suspect funds, while aligning the United States with a number of international anti-money laundering (AML) standards.

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Tens of Thousands Urge Congress to Reject Any Extension of Egregious Tax Loopholes

House Lawmakers to Vote this Week on Temporary Renewal of “Tax Extenders” Package – including Two Outrageous Offshore Tax Loopholes Costing Taxpayers $10 Billion Annually
Some on Capitol Hill Push to Make Loopholes Permanent, but Media Reports Suggest Offshore Provisions Could Be Phased out as Part of Bigger Tax Deal, A Welcome Development
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Members of Congress should reject two egregious international tax loopholes in pending legislation, which combined would cost American taxpayers $10 billion per year, the Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (FACT) Coalition, its members, and tens of thousands of Americans said today.

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FACT Urges Lawmakers to Embrace Global “BEPS” Effort to Curb Egregious Corporate Tax Dodging

OECD’s Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Package “Important First Step” Towards Curtailing Abusive Tax Avoidance, but More Must Be Done
WASHINGTON, DC – As two congressional committees held hearings today on global efforts to tackle abusive corporate tax dodging, the Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (FACT) Coalition urged U.S. lawmakers to embrace the efforts, which target a practice gouging American taxpayers of roughly $90 billion per year.

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