FACT Sheets

Polaris Fact Sheet: Business Transparency to Combat Human Trafficking

In cities throughout the United States, human trafficking rings operate illicit massage businesses, where women are forced to engage in commercial sex. Criminals engaged in human trafficking and money laundering are able to take advantage of the lack of transparency surrounding beneficial ownership of business entities to evade criminal prosecution. Congress must take action to ensure that law enforcement officials can identify the individual traffickers that control or benefit from illicit massage businesses and hold them accountable.

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FACT Sheet: Offshore Tax Haven Abuse by the Numbers (November 2017)

$129 billion to $205 billion: Amount that U.S. taxpayers lose in federal revenue to offshore tax haven abuse each year.

$94 billion to $135 billion: Lost U.S. revenue from offshore profit shifting by multinational corporations annually.[i]
$35 billion to $70 billion: Lost U.S. revenue to tax evasion by wealthy individuals annually.[ii], [iii]

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FACT Sheet: Offshore Tax Haven Abuse (November 2017)

Middle-Class Taxpayers and Domestic Businesses Foot the Bill for Offshore Tax Loopholes
Many Large U.S.-Based Multinationals Avoid Paying U.S. Taxes by Using Accounting Tricks to Make Profits Made in America Appear to Be Generated in Offshore Tax Havens—Countries with Minimal or No Taxes.

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