FACT Sheets

FACT Sheet: Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act of 2017

Tax haven abuse undermines the fairness of our tax code. By shifting profits to offshore tax havens, multinational corporations avoid over $100 billion in taxes each year. Wealthy individuals evade an estimated $40 to $70 billion. The Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act of 2017 (S. 851/H.R. 1932) will close many of the loopholes that allow multinational companies and the wealthy to play by a different set of rules than the rest of us.

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FACT Sheet: Questions & Answers about Territorial Corporate Tax Systems

A central theme of corporate tax reform is how to create a system that works in a global economy. Several proposals have called for a territorial corporate tax system — a system in which a company only pays taxes on what it claims as profits in a given country rather than looking at the companies’ global footprint.

Below are questions and answers about territorial tax systems as outlined in recent reform proposals.

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FACT Sheet: Offshore Tax Haven Abuse

Average Taxpayers and Small Business Owners Foot the Bill for Offshore Tax Loopholes
Many Large U.S.-Based Multinationals Avoid Paying U.S. Taxes by Using Accounting Tricks to Make Profits Made in America Appear to Be Generated in Offshore Tax Havens—Countries with Minimal or No Taxes.

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FACT Sheet: Offshore Tax Haven Abuse by the Numbers

Up to $180 billion: The amount that the U.S. loses in tax revenue to offshore tax haven abuse each year.

$111 billion: Lost U.S. revenue from profit shifting by multinational corporations annually.
$40-70 billion: Lost U.S. revenue to tax evasion by wealthy individuals annually.

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