FACT Welcomes Treasury Department Action to Counter Money Laundering through U.S. Real Estate

WASHINGTON, DC – In a comment letter submitted yesterday, the FACT Coalition welcomed action by the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) to bring the U.S. real estate sector under the purview of federal anti-money laundering safeguards. The FACT Coalition offered guidance on how FinCEN should craft a rulemaking that would introduce permanent, nationwide standards to address illicit financial risks in the sector.

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FACT Coalition Welcomes Treasury Move to Implement Corporate Transparency Act

“The FACT Coalition warmly welcomes this proposed rule, and we are glad to see Treasury’s FinCEN implementing the plain language of this landmark beneficial ownership disclosure law,” said Ian Gary, Executive Director of the FACT Coalition. “These rules, along with the earlier releases this week of the White House’s Strategy on Countering Corruption and the notice of proposed rulemaking from FinCEN aimed at tackling systemic money laundering vulnerabilities in the U.S. real estate sector are a clear demonstration of an emerging American commitment to tackling global corruption, which corrodes democratic governance both at home and abroad.”

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REPORT LAUNCH: “Private Investments, Public Harm”

On the eve of the Summit for Democracy, a new report – “Private Investments, Public Harm: How the Opacity of the Massive U.S. Private Investment Industry Fuels Corruption and Threatens National Security” – reveals a gaping hole in the U.S. anti-money laundering framework that undermines U.S. national security, jeopardizes the world’s democracies, and touches the lives of ordinary Americans. Learn more at this event.

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