Erica Hanichak

Erica Hanichak is the Government Affairs Director at FACT.

Politico: Oligarchs’ big loophole for stashing money

FACT’s Erica Hanichak is quoted in Politico: “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine shines a spotlight on what we already know — kleptocrats and criminals have manipulated the chinks in the armor protecting Western financial systems in order to safeguard their own ill-gotten gains,”

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FACT Welcomes Treasury Department Action to Counter Money Laundering through U.S. Real Estate

WASHINGTON, DC – In a comment letter submitted yesterday, the FACT Coalition welcomed action by the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) to bring the U.S. real estate sector under the purview of federal anti-money laundering safeguards. The FACT Coalition offered guidance on how FinCEN should craft a rulemaking that would introduce permanent, nationwide standards to address illicit financial risks in the sector.

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