66 Investors with $2.9 trillion in Assets Under Management Show Support for the Disclosure of Tax Havens and Offshoring Act
66 Investors with $2.9 Trillion in Assets Under Management Support the Disclosure of Tax Havens and Offshoring Act
66 Investors with $2.9 Trillion in Assets Under Management Support the Disclosure of Tax Havens and Offshoring Act
FACT sends comments to Congress in response to the Senate Finance Committee’s proposed international tax recommendations.
Over the past month, there has been an unprecedented global focus on corporate tax loopholes and profit shifting amidst reporting that at least 55 of America’s largest corporations paid no federal corporate income taxes at all in 2020. Since the dawn of civil society campaigning for international tax justice, this may be the closest activists have come to ending the era of tax havens and massive tax avoidance and it is increasingly clear to many lawmakers that corporations need to pay their fair share to help pay for COVID recovery programs, infrastructure, and other needs.
FACT sent comments to Congress on Hearing on International Corporate Tax Policies such as GILTI, BEAT, and FDII
FACT Executive Director Ian Gary to speak at Chatham House Annual Conference on Illicit Financial Flows
FACT Sent Comments to the Federal Reserve on its Proposed Suspicious Activity Reports Exemption Rule