Close Tax Loopholes

There is widespread agreement, across the political spectrum, that the gaming of the tax code by multinational corporations is a problem. When profits and jobs are shipped offshore, we not only harm the U.S. economy, we fuel a tax haven industry that drains wealth around the world. We seek to fix the problem of large, well-connected interests gaming the tax system.

Law360: Global Tax Deal Leaves Little Room For Revisions

The design of the OECD’s global tax overhaul may overlook the fact that smaller countries may not have the capacity to administer the complex regime, according to Ryan Gurule of the Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency Coalition.

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Law360: Midterms Unlikely to Revive Debate Over Int’l Taxes in US

“Whoever is in power after the election is going to be facing pressure to addressing expiring tax cuts from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, protect popular social spending provisions in the tax code and navigate international tax reform efforts that seem to be happening with or without the United states that will impact U.S. multinationals,” Gurule said.

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