It’s Tax Time…for Some
Today is May 17, which due to an IRS extension is this year’s tax day. The annual deadline comes as a reminder that–while most of us scramble to pay what we owe–some of the wealthiest among us pay little to nothing in taxes.
Multinational companies do not publicly report on where they are making their money or what taxes they are paying to whom. Investors, policymakers, and citizens have no idea exactly how they are gaming the system—what they tell us versus what they tell other countries. They should have to write it down in one place and report it on a country-by-country basis, so that the public, policymakers, and shareholders can see what they are really paying.
Today is May 17, which due to an IRS extension is this year’s tax day. The annual deadline comes as a reminder that–while most of us scramble to pay what we owe–some of the wealthiest among us pay little to nothing in taxes.
The FACT Coalition today welcomed the introduction of the Disclosure of Tax Havens and Offshoring Act in the House and Senate.
97 Nonprofit Organizations Support the Disclosure of Tax Havens and Offshoring Act (H.R. 3007 / S. 1545)
Small Businesses Seek Increased Competition with Disclosures of Tax Havens and Offshoring Act
66 Investors with $2.9 Trillion in Assets Under Management Support the Disclosure of Tax Havens and Offshoring Act
Over the past month, there has been an unprecedented global focus on corporate tax loopholes and profit shifting amidst reporting that at least 55 of America’s largest corporations paid no federal corporate income taxes at all in 2020. Since the dawn of civil society campaigning for international tax justice, this may be the closest activists have come to ending the era of tax havens and massive tax avoidance and it is increasingly clear to many lawmakers that corporations need to pay their fair share to help pay for COVID recovery programs, infrastructure, and other needs.