Tax Transparency

Multinational companies do not publicly report on where they are making their money or what taxes they are paying to whom.  Investors, policymakers, and citizens have no idea exactly how they are gaming the system—what they tell us versus what they tell other countries.  They should have to write it down in one place and report it on a country-by-country basis, so that the public, policymakers, and shareholders can see what they are really paying.

FACT Comments to SEC on Concept Release Urge Public Country-by-Country Reporting

Public Disclosure of Country-by-Country Tax Information Would Better Inform Investors
The Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (FACT) Coalition submitted comments to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday, July 6, 2016 urging that—to better inform investors—the SEC should revise its international tax disclosure framework to specifically require multinational corporations to disclose information on taxes and profits on an annual, country-by-country basis.

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A Strike Against Tax Dodging

New Rules Target the Gaming of the Tax Code
WASHINGTON, DC —The U.S. Department of Treasury released new rules today to require multinational companies to report profits and taxes paid on a country by country basis.  This is the first time that this information is being gathered in the United States and shared with other nations.  The information will be filed with the IRS and shared with states’ and other countries’ tax authorities with which the U.S. has agreements to exchange tax information.

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Tax Experts Push IRS to Expose Multinational Tax Dodging

FACT Members, Partners to Speak at Friday IRS Hearing on Proposed Country-by-Country Reporting Rule
Multinational Profit Shifting Costs Taxpayers $111 Billion per Year
WASHINGTON, DC — The Internal Revenue Service is holding a public hearing Friday morning on proposed rules to crack down on corporate tax dodging by requiring multinational companies to report to the IRS their profits earned, taxes paid, and employee numbers on a country-by-country basis.  Members and allies of the FACT Coalition are set to testify on the proposal, known as “country-by-country reporting”.

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FACT Welcomes Anti-Tax Dodging Proposal; Urges Treasury to Strengthen, Clarify Rule

FACT Coalition Submits Comments to the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service on Proposed Country-by-Country Reporting Rule
WASHINGTON, DC – The Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency Coalition (or FACT Coalition) submitted comments to the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service today offering strong support for—and recommending measures to further strengthen and clarify—a proposed rule to crack down on abusive tax avoidance by multinational corporations.

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FACT Urges Lawmakers to Embrace Global “BEPS” Effort to Curb Egregious Corporate Tax Dodging

OECD’s Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Package “Important First Step” Towards Curtailing Abusive Tax Avoidance, but More Must Be Done
WASHINGTON, DC – As two congressional committees held hearings today on global efforts to tackle abusive corporate tax dodging, the Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (FACT) Coalition urged U.S. lawmakers to embrace the efforts, which target a practice gouging American taxpayers of roughly $90 billion per year.

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