Politico: Corporations face a show-and-tell on their overseas taxes
FACT Policy Director Ryan Gurule is quoted by Politico on FASB’s progress towards greater tax disclosures and the remaining need for comprehensive PCBCR.
Multinational companies do not publicly report on where they are making their money or what taxes they are paying to whom. Investors, policymakers, and citizens have no idea exactly how they are gaming the system—what they tell us versus what they tell other countries. They should have to write it down in one place and report it on a country-by-country basis, so that the public, policymakers, and shareholders can see what they are really paying.
FACT Policy Director Ryan Gurule is quoted by Politico on FASB’s progress towards greater tax disclosures and the remaining need for comprehensive PCBCR.
In this article, Gurule compares emerging financial transparency rules in Australia and the United States that would affect how U.S. multinationals publicly report tax and other operational information.
Microsoft investors representing more than $305 billion voted in favor of a shareholder proposal calling on the company to publicly disclose information about its offshore operations and tax practices on a country-by-country basis at Microsoft’s annual general meeting.
Less than a week after the conclusion of the IACC, the Biden Administration took another big step toward meeting its anti-money laundering and anti-corruption commitments with the release of the second draft rule to implement the Corporate Transparency Act early today.
FACT Policy Director Ryan Gurule is quoted by Public News Time discussing the investor need for more detailed corporate tax information.
FACT Policy Director Ryan Gurule addressed the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Investor Advisory Committee today as part of a panel on emerging investor expectations regarding tax transparency.