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New Study: Shareholders at Risk from Lack of Corporate Tax Disclosures

Investors and Analysts Call for More Disclosures around Offshore Tax Practices as Shifting Tax Policies and Increased Enforcement Actions Impact Shareholder Value
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Investors are at an increasing risk from the lack of information disclosed by companies about their tax practices, according to a new analysis published today by the Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (FACT) Coalition.

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Senate Bill Would Plug Key Offshore Loophole and Reduce Incentives for Outsourcing in Tax Overhaul

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senate lawmakers introduced legislation Thursday that would make it harder for multinational corporations to game the offshore provisions in the newly adopted tax overhaul.  Sponsored by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), the Removing Incentives for Outsourcing Act (S.3674) would ensure that tax rates for profits booked offshore are applied on a per-country basis, rather than on a worldwide average basis — reducing the chance of gaming.

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Statement on Matthew Whitaker

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to the news stories about Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker receiving payments from an anonymous company called the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT), the Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (FACT) Coalition, which has called for greater transparency and an end to anonymous companies, put out the following statement.

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Investors and Academics Push SEC to Require Tax Transparency, Other ESG Disclosures

WASHINGTON, D.C. — More than 60 institutional investors and academics called on regulators Tuesday to require more transparency in corporate filings — including information on offshore tax practices.  The petition to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is part of a broader effort to align disclosure frameworks with an investment environment focused on long-termism.

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Thanks, Paul Manafort — for showing that the U.S. needs to crack down on dirty money

Over the past two weeks, Americans have been treated to one of the most astonishing tales of grand corruption in our republic’s history. The trial of Paul Manafort – former Trump campaign chairman and lobbyist for some of the sleaziest regimes of the past quarter-century – has given us a remarkable look at the tools, the tactics and the trade craft of kleptocratic overseas regimes, and how their Western enablers have abetted America’s transformation into a thriving offshore haven.
The trial, of course, is about much more than Manafort. As the Atlantic’s Franklin Foer has written, the proceedings against the ex-lobbyist, who made tens of millions from his consulting work for then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, have offered “an occasion for the United States to awaken from its collective slumber about the creeping dangers of kleptocracy.”

Are we getting the message?

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