News & Events

World’s Largest Banks Endorse Ending Anonymous Shell Companies

Letter from The Clearing House Endorses Bipartisan Incorporation Transparency and Law Enforcement Assistance Act
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Monday, the Clearing House Association—representing the world’s largest commercial banks—sent a letter to Congressional lawmakers supporting strong measures to crack down on the abuse of anonymous companies.  The group, which counts among its owners Bank of America, Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, and Wells Fargo, explicitly endorses the bipartisan Incorporation Transparency and Law Enforcement Assistance Act (H.R.4450, S.2489).

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New Report: Anonymous Shell Companies Driving Opioid Epidemic

New Fair Share Study Highlights 10 Cases that Connect Opioid Trafficking and Related Money Laundering to Anonymous Companies
WASHINGTON, D.C. – As opioid overdose deaths skyrocket, a new report released today by Fair Share Education Fund—a member of the FACT Coalition—highlights the role of anonymous shell companies in facilitating the money laundering, which drives the drug traffickers behind the crisis.  Titled “Anonymity Overdose,” the report highlights 10 cases that connect opioid trafficking and related money laundering to anonymous shell companies.

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Anonymous Companies Fueling Waste, Fraud, and Abuse of Taxpayers’ Money

New Report Highlights Need for Congressional, Administrative Action
WASHINGTON, DC — A new report released today by Global Witness, a member of the Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (FACT) Coalition, highlights how anonymous shell companies are ripping-off taxpayers and putting the lives of American military personnel at risk.  The report is titled, “Hidden Menace: How Secret Company Owners Are Putting Troops at Risk and Harming American Taxpayers”.

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Experts Troubled by Treasury Secretary Taking on “Role of Tax Lobbyist” for Apple

Statement by FACT Executive Director Gary Kalman
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is traveling to Europe this week for, among other reasons, the purpose of talking with European Commission officials to argue against invalidating a special tax deal that allows Apple to direct tens of billions of dollars in worldwide revenues to Ireland and pay a tax rate in the range of 1%.

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Treasury Department

FACT Supports Treasury Actions to Counter Tax Inversions

Coalition Submits Comments in Support of Two Treasury/IRS Rules to Combat Abusive Tax Dodging by Multinationals
WASHINGTON, DC – The Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (FACT) Coalition submitted comments to the U.S. Department of the Treasury today in support of two proposed measures to combat abusive tax dodging through corporate tax inversions.  In April, the Treasury Department announced two new measures to make it harder for multinational corporations to invert to dodge taxes.  One measure targets a tax dodging technique known as “earnings stripping,” while the other rule targets repeat offenders known as “serial inverters.”

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A Strike Against Tax Dodging

New Rules Target the Gaming of the Tax Code
WASHINGTON, DC —The U.S. Department of Treasury released new rules today to require multinational companies to report profits and taxes paid on a country by country basis.  This is the first time that this information is being gathered in the United States and shared with other nations.  The information will be filed with the IRS and shared with states’ and other countries’ tax authorities with which the U.S. has agreements to exchange tax information.

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