
FACT Sheet: Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)

Every year, your employer, bank, the Social Security Administration, and anyone holding or investing your savings, sends you and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) information about your accounts. This is a long-standing U.S. practice that combines patriotism and accountability and has created a culture of tax compliance.

However, for U.S. citizens living abroad and wealthy individuals with accounts in foreign banks, there was little accountability. While most Americans with foreign bank accounts paid the taxes they owed, some did not. For those, FATCA was passed.

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FACT Sheet: Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act of 2017

Tax haven abuse undermines the fairness of our tax code. By shifting profits to offshore tax havens, multinational corporations avoid over $100 billion in taxes each year. Wealthy individuals evade an estimated $40 to $70 billion. The Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act of 2017 (S. 851/H.R. 1932) will close many of the loopholes that allow multinational companies and the wealthy to play by a different set of rules than the rest of us.

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Comments to GSA Urging Non-Proprietary, Open Identifier System in Procurement

The Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency Coalition (FACT Coalition) submitted the below comments to the General Services Administration (GSA), in response to RFI #ID15170001, urging the agency to adopt a non-proprietary, open identifier system for use in federal procurement that includes the collection of information on the real people who own and control bidders of federal contracts and grants (also known as ‘beneficial owners’).

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