
Joint Letter to Congress Urging Beneficial Ownership Transparency in Procurement

The FACT Coalition joined 24 other organizations in sending a letter to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on October 28, 2016.  The letter calls upon Congress to urge the Administration to begin exploring alternatives for how contractors are identified without delay, to adopt a contractor identifier that is a non-proprietary, open system and that includes the collection and publication of beneficial ownership information.

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FACT Sheet: Questions & Answers about Territorial Corporate Tax Systems

A central theme of corporate tax reform is how to create a system that works in a global economy. Several proposals have called for a territorial corporate tax system — a system in which a company only pays taxes on what it claims as profits in a given country rather than looking at the companies’ global footprint.

Below are questions and answers about territorial tax systems as outlined in recent reform proposals.

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New Report: Multinationals Dodging $718bn in U.S. Taxes on Profits Booked Offshore

New Analysis Underscores Need to End Deferral, Boost Transparency of Companies’ Offshore Tax Practices
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The largest American companies have stashed nearly $2.5 trillion in profits offshore allowing them to dodge $718 billion in U.S. taxes, according to a new report released Tuesday by Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ), the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), and the U.S. Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) Education Fund—all members of the Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency Coalition (FACT Coalition).

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FACT Sheet: Offshore Tax Haven Abuse by the Numbers

Up to $180 billion: The amount that the U.S. loses in tax revenue to offshore tax haven abuse each year.

$111 billion: Lost U.S. revenue from profit shifting by multinational corporations annually.
$40-70 billion: Lost U.S. revenue to tax evasion by wealthy individuals annually.

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