Press Coverage

Judge Strikes Down Law Requiring Corporate-Ownership Disclosure

FACT executive director Ian Gary was quoted in the Wall Street Journal’s coverage of the recent Alabama court ruling.

“This is a pro-crime, pro-drug cartel, pro-fentanyl ruling which undermines the rule of law and allows criminals to use anonymous shell companies to hide their dirty money from law enforcement.”

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Anti-fraud Groups Praise FinCEN AML Proposal for Real Estate Transactions

Ian Gary was quoted in Compliance Week alongside TI-US Executive Director Gary Kalman praising Treasury’s proposed rule.

“By finalizing strong anti-money laundering safeguards for the multi-trillion dollar real estate sector,” said Kalman, “the Biden administration can live up to its commitments and catapult the United States from being a laggard to a leader in the global fight against corruption and illicit finance.”

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FACT Dispels Corporate Transparency Act Implementation Myths

FACT government affairs director Erica Hanichak was quoted in coverage by ICIJ’s Spencer Woodman of the rollout of Treasury’s groundbreaking beneficial ownership registry, in which she dispelled myths surrounding the measure’s requirements and possible penalties for small businesses.

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